The State Oracle of Tibet

The Dalai Lama, his government in exile and 200,000 Tibetan refugees have been living in Dharamsala since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959. This small village is located in the north of India, in a state named Himachal Pradesh. The main Tibetan monasteries have been reconstructed throughout the years thanks to the generosity of the donors.
The monastery of Nechung has a very special position among these: indeed, its abbot is the medium of the protective spirit of Tibet which guides the Dalai Lama and his government in exile.You are invited to follow the Venerable Thupten Ngodup in his daily life, when this smiling monk indulges himself in his gardening and painting hobbies and in his role as oracle when the Dalai Lama asks him to go into trance: he 'lends' his physical body to the spirit of Nechung Chokyong which delivers predictions and pieces of advice to the political and spiritual head of Tibet in exile.

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Visit: Nepal Startpagina, Tibet Startpagina, Bhutan Startpagina, Himalaya Startpagina


Michel Gardey, Dawa Thondup and Françoise Bottereau

Duration:  52 minutes

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